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Winter 2024

Kimberly had a dream. In the dream, she was with a wedding party. They were preparing all the details of the wedding. She was talking to someone about the "new wine".

She said, "If we put more of this particular type of grape, it will give a more concord flavor." The dream was all about the details of the flavor.

When she awoke, she knew that Concord was significant. The definition of concord is agreement or harmony between people.

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Fall 2016

I saw Jesus walking in fields ready for harvest. He had gone before us. He was looking back at me with a smile on His face and inviting me to follow Him. His smile conveyed affection and acceptance but it also conveyed His great excitement regarding the future and the things He had planned. It seemed as though He had prepared a wonderful surprise and it gave Him great joy just to think about it.

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Winter 2015

In the story of the blind man out of Luke 18:35-43, there is a promise for you. The Lord is asking you, “What do you want Me to do for you?” This question is a pathway to His heart. Leave behind the things that hinder you and run the race marked out for you. Receive your sight. Dream bigger and then dream bigger again. Dust off the dreams and the words given to you from the Spirit that lead you into encouragement. Build an environment with His words that is dependant on God and produces big faith, big dreams and expectation.

"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27)

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Winter 2014

I felt the Lord instruct us to love on Him and be filled with His love. Don’t just taste a little. Drink a lot. Let His love satisfy your every need and longing. When you think you’ve had enough, drink some more. Then I will open doors for you to love this City. This City will not know what has hit when they begin to experience His love through His church. His love will be like water to thirsty ground. His love will break through the hardest of hearts.

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Spring 2014

I saw Jesus bending his legs and getting close to the ground. He grabbed a handful of soil and was delighted. He displayed how the soil was good. This picture occurred during pre-service prayer. During worship the same morning, Jesus stood up in the field and began to dance and sow seed in the field. He was very joyful, spinning around, laughing and sowing seed. I felt as if the field had been prepared and Jesus was ready to plant His crop. He had done a good work to prepare the ground and it was rich and fertile.

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Summer 2013

On Friday night in the Prayer House we had a breakthrough in prayer for a fresh outpouring of God’s voice. During worship I saw a picture of a large mirror. I believe God wants to put a large mirror in our midst. Jesus is the most beautiful person. When you look at beautiful scenery or a beautiful work of art and it takes your breath away – this gift to us is but a hint, or a whisper of the beauty of the Lord. Jesus knows He is the most beautiful and He is captivated. He loves to look at Himself. When He is able to see His reflection in this place, He will be unable to resist abiding here.

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Fall 2012

On Friday night in the Prayer House we had a breakthrough in prayer for a fresh outpouring of God’s voice. During worship I saw a picture of a large mirror. I believe God wants to put a large mirror in our midst. Jesus is the most beautiful person. When you look at beautiful scenery or a beautiful work of art and it takes your breath away – this gift to us is but a hint, or a whisper of the beauty of the Lord. Jesus knows He is the most beautiful and He is captivated. He loves to look at Himself. When He is able to see His reflection in this place, He will be unable to resist abiding here.

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Winter 2012

I saw water spilling into the Walla Walla Valley, filling up cracks in the land, and watering dry places. I sensed the Lord saying that we are to be His voice, spilling forth His declarations over this people. Our words, given to us by the Lord will bring life and restoration to the people. We are called to walk boldly proclaiming the love and truth of God over Walla Walla and carry His word to the people He has placed in our lives.

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Fall 2012

The details of your mission have been issued and are sealed, and are waiting to be discovered and revealed. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are made for. IT'S TIME TO SET SAIL!

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Spring 2012

On April 2, 2012, I had a dream. Jesus excitedly motioned to me to come with Him into the foyer of the church. As we walked toward the foyer, Jesus picked up speed and started running into the foyer, looking behind Him toward me, He said, "You call them dreams, I call them toys!!" I then saw that the walls of the sanctuary lined with shelves that went all the way up the ceiling, and they all had toys on them! It is time to pick up your toys with Jesus!

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Spring 2012

I had a dream. In the dream, the front doors of the church building were moved so that you had to enter the sanctuary through the children's classroom. There was an abundance of life in the children's ministry and the adults gathered for church just so the children could have ministry.

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Summer 2011

On June 6, 2011, I was in prayer with two other people. I heard the phrase, “fresh clean linen.” I then saw a picture of a beautiful table prepared in the back of the sanctuary. The table was clothed with beautiful white linen without spot or wrinkle. We had been invited to dine with Jesus. The following scriptures came to mind as I considered the beautiful table:

Psalm 23:5 (NKJV) You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

Revelation 19:8 (NKJV) And to her it was granted- to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

I believe there is an invitation to intimacy with Jesus in a fresh and deeper capacity than we have previously experienced. I believe there is an invitation to dine with Jesus and partner with Him in His works – the righteous acts of the saints. Our righteous works are like filthy rags but as scripture declares, “we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus”. As we partner with Him in His works, these works are a pleasing fragrant offering to Him.

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Spring 2010

In April 2010, I asked the Lord if He would restore and rebuild the tabernacle of David at this time. He responded with, “I will come like the rain.” I pondered the curious way the Lord seemed to be speaking to me. That weekend, we attended a meeting with Dutch Sheets. He shared that the Lord is coming to this region like the rain and that His plan will come through friends.

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Spring 2010

While I was walking through the garden I heard God's voice say, “Winter is past. Springtime has come. I will rebuild the tabernacle of David in your life.”

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I saw a picture of strands of chromosomes hanging from the ceiling with Hebrew letters on the strands. I knew that this was in response to my prayer in accordance with John 17, that Jesus would continue to declare the Father’s name among us.

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Fall 2009

God will marry love and evangelism in Walla Walla and miracles will happen.

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Summer 2009

Jesus was sitting in a red 1948 Chevy pickup truck. The back was filled with bread and He was inviting us to hop on board. In 1948, the healing revival was just getting going in America. Healing is the children's bread (Matthew 15:26).

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Fall 2008

Heather had a dream. Deborah Cofer and I were in the Rose Street building, and it was under construction. While standing in the foyer, Deborah said to me, "When you and Andrew have children, revival would come to the church."

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Spring 2004

On my first visit to Walla Walla, Heather and I stayed at the Marcus Whitman during our scouting adventure. The next morning after waking up, Heather went to meet someone. I was in the room alone and waited on the Lord to hear His voice. The phrase John 3:16 went through mind. I didn’t really think this was God speaking to me and chalked it up to my imagination.

John 3:16 (NKJV) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

As I meditated on this verse, a line from a song called Revival went through my mind, “for You love this City and you love these streets”.

Later that day, I was talking to a fellow church plant team member and they felt God had given them the verse John 3:16 too. As I pondered the events of this day, I realized the immense love that God has for Walla Walla. As I walked down the streets and saw the faces pass me by, I could sense God's great love for the people of Walla Walla.


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